Thursday, March 18, 2010

From OddJob007

OddJob007: Feeling short. Easily going to win.

OddJob007: @Jaws007 You're ridiculously tall and no one wants to be you because of that.

OddJob007: @BaronSamedi007 Why are you even a character?

OddJob007: Everyone has to squat to even be in my playing field. #seriouslythebestcharacter

OddJob007: Man, whoever picked me is probably a douche bag and didn't listen to the rule "NO ODDJOB!" #truth

From BertTheQBert


BertTheQBert: Jump, jump, jump... I love my blocks.

BertTheQBert: Blocks are the best!

BertTheQBert: I have a twist in my fur! #stilllovetheseblocks

BertTheQBert: Shut up @pacman67 I'm not retarded! You're retarded!

From Contra56

Contra56: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A #prettymuchinvincibleassholes

From PlumberMario42

PlumberMario42: Hit a block. Jumped on a Goomba.

PlumberMario42: Hit another block, jumped on another goomba #gettingbored

PlumberMario42: Find it ironic and mildly offensive I kill goombas.

PlumberMario42: YES! FIRE FLOWER!

PlumberMario42: Got hit by a turtle. I'm a midget now for some reason. #needamushroom